Holland Casino has been the official casino since 1975, today with 14 locations throughout the Netherlands. Everybody knows the brand but the casino constantly needs new exciting stimuli. In the digital world the number of visits is decreasing significantly. Time for a brand boost and some disruptive innovation.
The overall brand strategy gave us limited room for out-of-the-box concepts. However, in 5 years collaboration with 2 local casinos, we've pushed the boundaries. Related to the younger clubbing trend, we came up with the new format Gaming Lounge. With attractive brand experiences, dozens of crossmedia indoor and outdoor campaigns have been activated.
You’re always welcome at our monumental coach house on the Velperweg, in the heart of Arnhem’s creative scene. Feel free to give us a call at +31264435454. Wishing you all the best in 2025, Percy Labrijn & Désirée Albers.